Journey from Reception to End of Year 2

Reception to end of Year 2


Our priority in Reception is to provide a colourful, imaginative and stimulating environment. Each child is valued as an individual, given every opportunity to develop his or her full potential. We seek to encourage the emotional, creative, physical, social and intellectual development of each child through a combination of play and more formal educational techniques. 

Emphasis is placed on the laying down of secure foundations in reading, writing, mathematical and scientific skills. Children are given every opportunity to listen, talk and record their experiences. They are helped to communicate clearly and confidently in speech and writing. Stimulating and varied activities encourage alertness and growing independence. Numerous educational outings and exciting visitors result in happy, sociable, and inquisitive children.

Year 1

This is the transition between Foundation Stage curriculum and a more formal teaching style. However, the change is gradual, and we work hard to ensure that each pupil is following a programme of work that meets their individual needs.

There is still a good deal of role-play and creative learning each day in addition to literacy and numeracy. A cross-curricular approach, there is still a strong emphasis on making learning fun. The curriculum is supplemented with a rich and varied diet of educational visits and visitors.

Specialist staff deliver Computing and Music. French is integrated into the timetable. As well as Sports lessons, the class has a weekly swimming session with qualified swimming coaches to help early development into confident swimmers.

Year 2

Year 2 occupies the top floor of the Red House, with a separate common room and Art room as well as their own classroom. Whilst most subjects are taught by the class teacher and assistant, more specialist subjects, including French and Music, are taught by specialist subject teachers from the Prep department.

There is a creative, cross-curricular curriculum. We seek to foster independent learning and to ensure that pupils are well-prepared for the imminent move over to the Prep Department, at the start of Year 3. For this reason, the classroom is set up in a formal, less play-focussed way to prepare for ‘bigger’ school.

Due to our central location, we enjoy visiting many local museums and attractions including the National Railway Museum, Yorkshire Museum, Thackray Medical Museum and the Sea Life Centre, Scarborough.

Pupils who show an interest and aptitude may begin to have instrumental lessons in Year 2. In early January, auditions are held for those who may wish to become choristers at York Minster. Both internal and external candidates are very welcome to audition.