Essential Telephone Numbers

The friendly school office is open between 8:30am and 4.30pm though there will be times when it is not possible to respond immediately. Please leave a voicemail message and we will respond as quickly as possible. 

In general, we would ask that you direct all calls and messages through the main school office. However, outside office hours, please use the following list of numbers to direct your call appropriately:

  • Main office telephone – 01904 557230 (08:30 – 16:30)
  • Pupil absences – 01904 557290 (07:00 – 08.30)
  • Main School after school duty staff – 01904 557231 (16:20 – 17:20)
  • Red House after school duty staff – 01904 557296 (16:00 – 17:20)