The Minster School York, Deangate, Minster Yard, York, YO1 7JA
01904 557230/
The Minster School York, Deangate, Minster Yard, York, YO1 7JA
01904 557230/
The Minster School
Our School is part of York Minster’s community offering an abundance of learning opportunities, special services and events for the children to be involved with.
The Minster holds a special service at the start of each School term. Annual services such as the Harvest Festival and Christmas Carol service take place in the magnificent Quire and the Prep Department’s nativity play is held in the thirteenth century Chapter House. Parents, carers and families of our pupils are most welcome at all of these events.
Our children also visit the Minster for their school work, learning about the medieval stained glass or stone carving for art and RE lessons, taking part in a musical performance or to do some maths work. If our children need to undertake research for a history assignment, then they can pop across to the Old Palace Museum in Dean’s Park, where more than 300,000 historic documents and artefacts are kept as part of the Minster’s Historic Collections.
The Dean and other members of the Minster clergy regularly visit the school to lead assemblies, enjoy lunch with children and staff or to talk about specific issues with children. In addition, parents members of the Minster Community offer their help and expertise in school, whether that be accompanying children on educational visits or to sports fixtures or helping prepare our Year 8 pupils in the art of interview technique.